Monday, 16 December 2013

So you think you are smarter?

Many of us are like the children of Gad and Reuben. Numbers 32
You see, the men of Israel were sent to the land of Canaan to spy the land for 40 days and come back to Moses and the congregation of Israel with a report. They came back with a bad report, save Caleb and Joshua and because of that, God decided that they wouldn't see the promise land. Num 32:11. Now, the children of Gad and Reuben must have heard about the report that their fathers brought. They felt the land that God promised them was not good enough, that the inhabitants of the land were too mighty and powerful and would slay them.
Just earlier, the Israelites won a battle against the Midianites and they got a lot of cattle, sheep, and spoils of war.
So as they were journeying through the wilderness, they passed through the land of jazer and gilead.They saw that the land was a place for cattle so they decided to ask Moses if they could take the land for an inheritance and forget about going to Canaan. Numbers 32:1-5. They were ready to exchange that land they saw for the land that God had promised them for an inheritance.

Sometimes, we as Christians hear a lot of evil report about the Christian life. The older Christians may have somehow convinced us that the Christian life is not one to be desired. So we ask God for an exchange. Instead of me to sing gospel music and not make money,why don't I sing secular music?
Instead of me to pay my tithes,why don't I give it to charity?
Instead of me to marry this God fearing man who does not have so much money, why don't I marry that ritualistic with a lot of money. You even hear some women say it is better to cry in a Bentley than to be happy in a beetle. 
We begin a negotiation with the Lord.

We have our planB, because we don't trust that God's plan is the best. Who told you? Who deceived you? Who gave you an evil report? Whose report would you rather believe?
The children of  Gad and Reuben didn't trust God enough to believe that His thoughts and plans for them are of good and not of evil (Jeremiah 29:11).
No good thing will He withhold from  
His children. Psalm 84:11
Do not exchange your promise land for the land of Jazer and gilead.
Can a man offer you a brand new range rover jeep and you decline and rather ask for a picanto? 

Do not let anyone deceive about the promises and will of God.
Know that it is better, much better, far better than any plan that you can ever conceive.
What makes you think you have a better plan? Who told you?
For He is able to do exceeding abundantly, above all you can ever ask or think,according to the power that worketh within you. Ephesians 3:20 That is the magnitude of the God you serve.
Be not discouraged by the evil reporter. Remember the report of Joshua and Caleb.
Don't let anyone rob you of your inheritance in Christ. Num 32:9. Don't be deceived like Esau was when Jacob snatched his birthright from him all for a mere pot of pottage.
Esau was hungry and needed the food, but was it really worth it? Was his birthright so tiny in his eyes that he could not see its significance?

You may not understand what God is doing for you, but be rest assured that He is doing something grand. It is only understood in retrospect. 
We walk by faith and not by sight.
Stop walking by sight with God. You will never live a fulfilled life because a life of faith is what God wants for us.

Mediate on the promises of God and know that His plans are always better than anything we can imagine.

Stay blessed.

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