Monday, 16 December 2013

Don't be afraid to cry out

There are certain situations that we encounter that greatly test our faith. One thing I have come to realize is that you will go on in that situation, but until you cry out to God for help when you have reached your breaking point, nothing may be done about it. 
Never be afraid or feel ashamed to cry out to God in times of trouble.

You may have sinned against God and are now facing the consequences. You may just be going through a tough time in your relationship, or job. Do not be too proud to cry out to God for help. Sometimes, it is a trial that we need, to turn back to God.
You may have brought the trouble upon yourself through disobedience like the Israelites. Judges 6:1
The Israelites began polluting themselves after the death of Joshua. They began to serve other gods.
They also didn't drive out all the inhabitants of the promise land like the Lord had asked them to do. They instead went into a treaty with some of them. Well, that made God decide to give the inhabitants of the land an upper hand against the Israelites, just to prove them, to know whether they would keep the Lord's commandments and turn back to Him. Judges 6:1-7. 
They were under severe oppression from the Midianites and when they could no longer bear the anguish, they cried out to God to save them. God did not step in until they called out to Him, because He brought the oppression on them as punishment for forsaking Him and serving strange gods.

The pain from the trials bring us back to God in repentance.
Those times, it would seem as though God is silent. He is in a way. He allowed it. He knows our hearts and knows our threshold. He wants us to willingly come, and He will do whatever it takes to show us that we cant do without Him and that we have erred. He knows that you won't be able to bear the heat much longer and you would realize your follly and turn back to Him. The situation will last for as long  as we have not learnt the lesson it is meant to teach us.
Thank God that we can go to the throne of grace even when we are neck deep in sin. Hebrews 4:16. Thank God that veil to the holy of hollies was torn by Jesus that we may have access to the Father.
May we learn our lessons on time and may we go boldly to the throne of grace to obtain help in times of need.
May we never be to big or too hardened to run to God when we have erred.
Friends, the Lord is on our side. Never forget.

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